Yes. Accepted presenters will need to repeat their session over the two-day conference.
How will presenters get access to the learning if they are presenting both days?
Presenters will not have the same learning experience as the attendees. Presenters will have access to other sessions materials through the conference website. Presenters will gain knowledge and insight from the attendees in their sessions.
Who will be attending sessions?
Granite School District teachers, administrators, counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, etc.
How many attendees in each session?
This depends slightly on what type of session. Generally 90 minute presentations will have a higher number of attendees than workshops. To give a rough idea, 30-40 maximum.
Will I receive names of the attendees?
The decision has been made to not require pre-registration for each session. Our solution for materials will be to have them available digitally and associated with presenter’s bio information on the conference website.