We debated a pre-registration model vs a conference (pick and attend) model. Both had their positives and negatives. Ultimately, we decided that a conference model outweighed a preregistration model. This means that once the room is full, attendees will need to choose another session.
Will there be a facilitator to introduce the presenter and provide individual support?
We plan to have facilitators and school technology specialists assigned to areas but do not plan to provide individual facilitator/technology person support.
Will attendees come with a device to view information digitally or will I need to provide materials?
We will ask attendees to bring their own device. We will ask principals to support their school’s attendees in allowing them to bring a device from their school as needed.
What types of sessions will there be?
There will be three different types of sessions – 90 minute presentation – 180 minute workshop – 270 minute full day workshop.
How do you know how many of each type of session to offer?
We used the interest survey conducted in October/November to guide how many sessions of each type would be needed.