Our application will have several topics to choose from. Our belief is that the number of topics allow for a wide variety of presentations that can be associated.
What is the compensation for being a presenter?
In addition to a Granite Employee’s regular daily pay, each accepted presentation will be allotted $500.00 for lesson preparation and willingness to take on a presenter role rather than an attendee role. Non-Granite District individuals receive the stipend for lesson preparation only.
What if I want to co-present with another individual?
Each accepted presentation will be allotted $500.00 for lesson development. If there are two district employee’s presenting, they will both receive their regular daily pay and $250.00 (dividing the total amount allotted for lesson preparation).
How many individuals can present in one session?
Up to four. This would mean all four individuals split the $500.00 session allotment.
I am an administrator; can I submit to present?
Yes. However, administrators are not eligible for lesson development compensation.